"On the dark web, hackers from all over the world offered up over 400 million Twitter accounts' data for sale."
It is no longer a big deal in today's world if a significant organization's website is leaked, the video and audio tapes of significant personalities are leaked, or their bank and social media accounts are hacked.
Hackers never fail to break into a server and upload a significant amount of data to the dark web every week. Programmers made the information of more than 400 million Twitter users "available to be purchased" on the plain internet on December 23.
Among the significant information that programmers have made accessible for buy on the dim web are the cell phone numbers and messages of Bollywood entertainer Salman Khan, India's Service of Data and Broadcasting, and Google Chief Sundar Pichai.
Programmers have made it difficult for Twitter executives to purchase the actual information or have previously suggested selling the information in order for them to avoid paying fines from state-run administrations all over the world. According to the criminal data, the data is taken from 2021 to 2022.
According to unconfirmed media reports, IT professionals claim that Twitter's server experienced a glitch in 2021.
However, neither a confirmation nor a denial regarding this has been provided by the Twitter administration.
What is the Dark Web's structure?
No ordinary Internet user can access the dark web, which is a section of the Internet that even major nation-state intelligence agencies have trouble accessing.
This market is used to trade women, drugs, weapons, videos of sexual crimes, and sensitive data and information.
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